Unique and Simple Guest Room Design Ideas

Unique and Simple Guest Room Design Ideas

A bedroom with a double bed, grey carpet, and yellow curtains, with an armchair in the corner

Guest rooms are one of those spaces that often don’t get enough attention. We often use them as storage for odd furniture pieces and stuff we don’t use daily. However, they have the potential to be so much more. To help you achieve that, we’ve put together a list of guest room design ideas for you.  They are pretty simple and won’t take too much time and effort. Also, don’t worry about spending too much money as they won’t break the bank. By making just a few adjustments, you can give your guest room a whole new stylish look. 

Don't buy. Refurbish!

Buying new furniture can often be expensive. If you already have some old pieces, using them for your guest room is a good idea. However, your furniture can still look fresh even though it’s been around for a while. Visit the local paint shop and choose new colors and varnishes for your furniture. Then, grab some sanding paper and paintbrushes and paint away! That is excellent if you have mismatched furniture made from different materials. You can paint all your pieces the same color, and they will look like they were made for each other! Refurbishing doesn’t have to give you a headache. On the contrary, it can make a fun weekend activity, and the results will be excellent.

Provide sufficient storage

It’s hard to predict how much storage your guests will need. It can be just a few drawers or a whole closet. In these kinds of situations, it’s always better to play it safe. Not having enough storage space can often make things quite messy. On the other hand, nobody ever complained about having too much space to store their stuff. Consider getting a closet or a dresser for your guest room to make your guests feel at home. These items can sometimes be quite bulky. As a result, if you feel transporting them and setting them up is too much work, don’t be afraid to seek help from a nearby crew in Queens. Your storage solution will be ready in no time, and your guests will be more than satisfied.

A white bed with brown bedding, a white side table, and a wooden closet next to them

Think about the lighting

Your guest room deserves the same treatment as any other room in your home. That applies to the use of lighting as well. You want to make the guest room as bright as possible. If there are big windows in it, great; if not, minimize the obstructions of natural light. You can do this using sheer curtains instead of thick, solid ones. Also, pay attention to the color of the lightbulbs you use. Cold, white light can make the room seem like a hospital. In this case, a warm white is your best bet.

Make it cozy

The main goal of a guest room is to make your guests feel at home. One of the best guest room design ideas to help you do so is making the whole space feel cozy. Firstly, flooring is essential. If you have hardwood floors around your house, get a rug into your guest room. That will automatically make it feel warmer. Also, picking the right color palette can make or break a space. Warm neutrals are usually a safe bet. However, it’s hardly the only option you have. Almost any color scheme can look great if you incorporate it correctly. Finally, don’t skimp on accessories. Make sure to add in a few throw pillows and soft blankets. Not only do they make incredible decorations, but they will make your guests feel like they’re in their bedroom.

Set up a work nook

In the last few years, many people started working from home. One thing that can make it easier is having a specific space assigned for it. A home office is ideal, but it’s often not possible. In that case, creating a little work nook gets the job done. That is a great feature to include in your guest room. It will allow your guests to get work done if they need to without working in a disruptive environment. However, ensure to get precise measurements of the furniture you’re planning to use. Guest rooms are often not as big, and fitting a desk in can be challenging. Still, it’s far from impossible. You just need to know how much space you’re working with.

A grey wooden desk with a chair of the same color and a silver desk lamp on it

Invest in some new bedding

Like most people, you probably have old mismatched sheets, and duvet covers lying around your house. Putting them in your guest room when you have visitors may seem like a good use for them. While they might get the job done, they surely won’t look as nice. Instead, consider getting new bedding specifically for your guest room. This way, you can choose the one that matches the color scheme. Also, fresh new sheets can make your guest room feel like a luxury hotel, and who wouldn’t want that? Details like this tie the whole space together, so don’t sleep on them.

Fresh bedding can significantly improve the looks of your guest room

Include a seating area

You’ll probably spend a lot of time with your guests while they’re visiting. Still, everybody needs some time to unwind. Consider including a seating area if the space allows you to do so. That is easier if you’ve just moved to a new home, as you have a blank slate to work with. Don’t skip going through furniture catalogs: various armchairs, chairs, and benches for you to choose from. A seating area in the guest room can have many different purposes. Whether it’s a place to curl up with a book before bed or just have a midday break, your guests are guaranteed to appreciate it. 

Final words on guest room design ideas

Everybody wants their guests to feel comfortable in their homes. One of the best ways to achieve this is by paying extra attention to the guest room. While there are many guest room design ideas to choose from, it’s up to you to find what fits your home and needs best. Once you do that, the fun of decoration begins!

Meta description: If you want to make your guests feel at home, here are some unique and simple guest room design ideas for your home.